Fueling Your Faith: When Jesus Makes You Uncomfortable

Jesus was, is and always will be a confrontational envelope-pusher.  He had a track-record of stretching the limits of human understanding.  There is no evidence in Scripture that our Savior came to enable our desire to remain in the safety and comfort of the familiar.  Jesus came to rock our physical, emotional and spiritual 'boat'.  His work in the lives of the willing often involves disrupting our complacency and dismantling the dysfunctional and disabling thought, speech and action that so often keeps us stuck and distanced from the unmatched power of God.  

God wants to make us uncomfortable because our discomfort leads us to Him.  Now is your time to let God confront you with discomfort and challenge you to step and reach beyond your comfort zone and the current parameters of your faith in order to facilitate your continued forward-movement and eventual collision with His promises and destiny for your life.
Reverend Christopher T. Conti, MD an emergency medicine physician, community advocate, Christian life coach and the Lead Pastor of Emmanuel Pittsburgh.  




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