— 2 Corinthians 4:8-10

Have you ever found yourself in the midst of your walk “through the valley of the shadow of death“, or your season in the wilderness, or your overnight stay in the lion’s den, or you’re visit to the fiery furnace?

If you responded “yes“, then rest assured of these two truths: (1) you are not the only one who can claim ownership of this reality; and, (2) these moments and seasons tend to recur, meaning that you will likely be a visitor to these places more than once!

The reality, however, does create “faith-tension”, because we often find ourselves in these places and get a sense that we are completely alone because we can neither “see” , sense nor hear God.

God wants to encourage you to know that in these moments and seasons, when you cannot see His essence, feel His presence or hear His voice, He is still there, occupying and influencing your temple and your airspace.

He promised that He would be with us until the end of the age and that He would never leave us nor forsake us. These biblical promises should give us strength, rather than pause, because it reminds us that we can always trust the Word and will ofGod, even if we can’t always trace the essence of God or hear the voice of God.

Those moments and seasons in your life where God is silent represent periods of faith-testing, that in the end, help us to identify the resources that are already in and around us that we can mobilize in order to make it through and keep pressing forward in the direction of His purpose and promises!

Reverend Christopher Conti, MD is the Lead Pastor of Emmanuel Pittsburgh, and a licensed emergency medicine physician, author and Christian life coach




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