— Ephesians 2:10 (ESV)

God spoke most of creation into being, but when it came to us, He got His hands dirty and shaped us from the dirt into something spectacular.

When He finished His work, He called it “very good“ and established you and I as His prized workmanship— His masterpiece. And as premier pieces in His gallery and His apex-creation, it is no surprise that He is engaged, invested, in-tuned, and in life in love with each of us.

God knows all about you. He knows your strengths, weaknesses, tragedies, triumphs. He knows your dreams, aspirations, hidden thoughts, and even the skeletons buried deep in your closet.

Despite all of that, there is awesome news, because His love and investment will not allow Him to remember or hold grudges Against us for the “mess” that we allow ourselves to become.

Instead, He gifts us with grace, mercy and patience— in order to allow us to remain God–access-eligible and miracle and dream-accessible.

God also has a track record of calling, preparing, positioning, and equipping anyone He chooses to be used for His Kingdom and His glory— in spite of our flaws and moments of faith-fatigue and seasons of faith-failure.

You have been called to do great, Kingdom-strengthening and God-affirming things by a God who absolutely knows exactly what He is doing.

In fact, before He even formed you, He was already crafting a call and a script for your life. His Word is clear that He does not merely ‘plan’, but because He is invested, He is also willing to both work and fight in order to make His promises come to pass so that you will be properly prepared and positioned to intersect with His atmosphere-shifting call on your life.

It becomes your task, to remain focused on the voice of God in order to remain headed in the direction that He charted for your life. Promise and prosperity have been set-aside just for you at the end of this journey, if you rise-up, remain forward-moving, shed your emotional baggage and other distractions, and answer the awesome and trajectory-changing call of a perfect God!

Reverend Christopher Conti, MD is the Lead Pastor of Emmanuel Pittsburgh, and a licensed emergency medicine physician, author and Christian life coach.




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