For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45
The ministry of Jesus Christ was one of service. Emmanuel Pittsburgh takes seriously God's mandate to love and serve others. Our multiple community outreach events aim to meet individuals, families and communities at the point of their needs without making service contingent upon church attendance. Our back-2-school and back-2-summer outreach events engage youth, teens and parents. Thanksgiving fellowship encourages the sense of community that epitomizes the Gospel mandate. Our Happy Birthday Jesus Christmas celebration is an opportunity fellowship with families through food, fellowship and fun. Our winter Soup-and-Coats fellowship meets the "now" needs of many of our neighbors who would otherwise have to brave the Pittsburgh winter season without coats, hats & gloves. We are constantly listening to the voice of God and remain excited, energized and receptive to serve God's people in meaningful and creative ways. We would love for you to join us in this critical work!
serving god's people
School Supplies
The Emmanuel C.A.R.E.S. (Community Access to Resources for Educational Supplies) is a program that provides a clearinghouse for individuals, families, teachers & schools.
"Mission Pittsburgh"
This community outreach activity focuses on meeting the basic and often complex "now" needs of our community's homeless and food challenged communities.
Serve in our church
Use your unique skills, talents & gifts to help build the Kingdom.
The Word of God is clear that all of us have something positive and productive to contribute to the Kingdom. We believe that remaining God-centered and "other"-oriented allows us to make ourselves available to be used by God for Kingdom-affirming, life-changing & atmosphere-shifting ministry. We pray that you will be inspired to join us in this exciting and gratifying work!
How do I volunteer?
If you would like to partner with this exciting ministry work, please use the e-form below, call the church administrative office at (412) 271-2428, or email us at We look forward to connecting with you... and then getting to work!
How do I volunteer with Emmanuel youth?
Emmanuel Pittsburgh's youth ministry serves children ages 5-11 as well as our 'In His Hands' nursery. You need only have patience and a love & heart to work to introduce young people to the awesomeness of God! State clearance will be required but we can help with that!
How do I volunteer with creative arts?
Emmanuel Pittsburgh is always looking for musicians, vocalists and other creative artists who desire to 'stir up their gifts' and serve within our music and creative arts ministries.
How do I volunteer with Emmanuel students??
Emmanuel's tweens (ages 12-14) and teens (15-18) offer youth ministry staff to help middle and high school-aged youth navigate the often confusing and challenge 'season' of adolescents.