— Proverbs 23:7

The mind is an extremely potent and powerful element in our life-arsenal.  When we are able to effectively and consistently “get” and “keep“ our minds “right“, there are no limits to what we can’t overcome or what we can accomplish.

Our thinking frames both our speech and our actions, such that we can very easily talk ourselves into or out of anything.

Humans are one of only a handful of creatures created by God, with the capacity of higher thought and speech. These two higher-order components of our position as God's masterpiece creation are essential for our apex-status within God's Kingdom.  When we are able to harness the power of our minds, it is then that we were able to meet God‘s genesis mandate which is to take control of the earth and take control.  How and what we think enables us to accomplish the tasks and assignments that God has specially set-aside.  And it is in accomplishing the work of God that we gain access to all of God's awesomeness put His glory one full-display.

Let your thoughts be consistently on the things of God so that your execution of tasks and completion of assignments are consistent with the Word and will of God which is consistently working in, around and through you.

You are what you think, and you act as your mind directs. Let all that you think and do be consistent with the movement of an awesome God in your life confidently knowing that He wants nothing but His best for you.

Reverend Christopher T Conti, MD is the Lead Pastor of Emmanuel Pittsburgh, and a licensed Emergency Medicine physician, author and Christian life coach.




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